Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hot new format

A hot new format means a hot new update is coming... possibly hot ham water? Check back to find out.
Also, I've determined that the chances of me posting any content that deals with politics, religion or anything of substance is exactly 0%, so don't wait for that. It's all about the food.

To tide you over here is a picture of what happened the night of my 27th birthday. Too bad the mariachi band didn't make it into the picture.


Matt said...

It's astounding how historically accurate this photo is to your real 27th birthday party.

Your Matt Ryan said...

Ok Darrin. This is your chance to wow me. I'm putting you on my "favorites" and will check this regularly. Did you save me a piece of gun cake?

Godlesscook said...

I saved you a kraut bayonet to the chest you dog.

JOEL said...

I love Hot Ham Water. I await the new format.

Jen said...

Maybe the Mariachi band is inside the cake. Naked.